Lavender criticizes CIP's "sensationalism" and untimeliness to stop Chapo's election

Alfazema critica “sensacionalismo” e intempestividade do CIP para travar eleição de Chapo

Political analyst Dércio Alfazema today criticized the fact that the Centre for Public Integrity (CIP) has belatedly submitted a precautionary measure to the Maputo City Judicial Court (TJCM) to stop the election of Daniel Chapo to the post of President of the Frelimo party, since he is President of the Republic (PR).

For Alfazema, that civil society organization adopts stances that call its credibility into question, especially when election periods arrive.

Speaking this morning in the Café da Manhã area of the Radio MozambiqueHe said that the CIP had failed to submit the document to the TJCM when it should have done so to the Supreme Court, which is the proper forum for the PR figure. But he also suggested that the fact that the NGO was "publicizing" the action on social media should be viewed with some caution.

With regard to the figure of the PR holding a private position, in this case as President of Frelimo, Aflazema said that it made perfect sense for this to be the case, to avoid the citizen elected as PR having another entity above him and giving him orders. In fact, he believes that the concomitance of functions will make it possible for the purposes of the party and the government of the day to work more closely together.


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