Mozambique spent 348.9 million dollars servicing its foreign debt

Moçambique gastou 348,9 milhões de dólares com serviço da dívida externa

The country spent around 348.9 million dollars servicing its foreign debt up to March this year, representing an increase of 46.4% compared to the first quarter of last year.

The Bank of Mozambique justifies this increase with the realization of the private sector's financial liabilities of more than 100%, reaching 144.8 million dollars, compared to 25 million in the same period last year.

Between capital and interest, the public sector paid 204.1 million dollars, representing a fall of 4.3%, after 213.4 million dollars in the first quarter of 2023.

Write the newspaper NewsIn the first quarter, the Mozambican state paid 83.4 million dollars to the group of Eastern countries, where China is the largest creditor.

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