Natural gas has accentuated Mozambique's global importance in the supply of energy resources. At a time when the world is looking for sustainable forms of exploitation, Galp's CEO in the country recognizes the potential of national natural gas to lead an "organized" energy transition.
Paulo Varela is optimistic about Mozambique's future on the world map of natural gas exploration. In his opinion, the potential of this resource could put the country at the forefront of the energy transition as liquid fuels are being squeezed out.
"For the sake of the less developed countries, it is desirable for the transition to take place in a more organized way. And we believe that Mozambique's natural gas has a very long future ahead of it, contributing precisely to this transition," said Varela a few days ago in Maputo, speaking to journalists on the occasion of his 65th birthday in Mozambique.
"Mozambique's natural gas is a transitional energy in that it contributes less to the greenhouse effect," he said.
Acknowledging the country's and the world's efforts to use environmentally friendly energy sources, he said, however, that investment in hydrocarbons must continue.
"The fact that we are aware that we need to embark on an energy transition, it is necessary to assume that, for many years, hydrocarbons will be the most used primary energy source, although their importance will decrease over time," he noted.
Varela clarified that the current global energy crisis is due to the fall in investment in the oil and gas exploration and production sector since 2014 and not objectively to the Russian-Ukrainian war.
"Therefore, in order to prevent prices from rising, it will be necessary to continue to invest in new oil and gas explorations, especially in Mozambique's natural gas," he warned.
However, he predicts that the energy transition process in developing countries, including Mozambique, will be slow.
"We have to bear in mind that this energy transition must try to take place without creating major energy crises, in other words, without causing prices to skyrocket due to fuel shortages," said Paulo Varela.
On the occasion, the Director of Galp Rovuma in Mozambique, Paulo Mendonça, said that the global importance of the country's natural gas was also due to its quality and quantity.
"In the case of Mozambique, the volume of gas reserves is so significant and important because they are world class, and because they can play a key role in this transition phase," he said.
Galp is no longer interested in investing in new fossil energy fields. The company is directing more than half of its CAPEX towards clean energy sources.
"The strategic positioning is that Galp no longer has investments in new explorations. We have assets already in the exploration phase in the legacy projectsThe company has also invested in new blocks in São Tome and Principe, Brazil and Namibia. But as part of the energy transition, the company stopped investing in new blocks," he explained.
In the eyes of those responsible for Galp, Mozambique, like other countries, should, for the time being, make the most of the current and existing ways of exploiting natural gas, as efforts are underway to exploit it in a less polluting way. "What will make sense here is to find a fair and balanced transition, taking into account the interests of the population as a whole."
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