Merging companies will now be required to report the transaction to the Competition Regulatory Authority (ARC) whenever the amounts involved are above 105 million meticais, as opposed to the current 100 million, which will help facilitate this type of deals.
This is a measure announced this Tuesday by the spokesperson of the 41st session of the Council of Ministers, Inocêncio Impissa.
"Turnovers to be reported to the regulator, which are currently 100 million, have been changed to 105 million meticais. This figure should be reported for control purposes in the process of merging companies," said Impissa, who is also deputy minister of State Administration and Civil Service.
This change aims, according to him, to contribute to the facilitation of business and reduce transaction costs for companies involved in this type of operations. The Executive also approved the revision of decrees that govern the organization, operation and structuring of the ARC.