TSU: Salary will vary from employee to employee. "Each with its own condition"

About the Single Salary Schedule (TSA) that has created enormous expectation among civil servants, who are eager for its implementation, the government clarified that it will only be implemented according to the condition of each civil servant or agent of the State, in each sector of activity.

The information was advanced, this Tuesday, by the spokesman of the Council of Ministers, Filmão Suázi, at the end of the twenty-first ordinary session of the government.

"What was approved, what we are referring to here is the complementary decree to that same instrument. We don't bring numbers because the numbers will result from the combination of the requirements of each employee, said the governor in response to questions from journalists.

"Length of service, academic level, and other factors are taken into account in order to fill out the table, from which the specific quantity will result.

So, you can't think about the hundreds of employees, how much each one will actually earn, this is a matter that will be dealt with at the level of the equation that was defined for this purpose", he added.

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