TSU: Renamo demands government resignation and accuses the executive of "contempt" for civil servants

TSU: Renamo exige demissão do Governo e acusa o executivo de “desprezo” pelos funcionários públicos

The Mozambican National Resistance (Renamo), the main opposition party, today demanded the resignation of the government for what it called the failure to implement the Single Wage Table (TSU), accusing the executive of "contempt" for civil servants.

"Faced with this gross and systematic violation of the Constitution of the Republic and other laws, which demonstrates absolute incompetence and contempt for Mozambicans by the government of the day, Renamo and its president demand the immediate resignation of the Government of Mozambique," said the president of Renamo's jurisdictional council, Saimone Macuiana, speaking at a press conference today.

Macuiana considered it "unacceptable and shameful" that the executive had the Single Wage Scale (TSU) approved in parliament without a thorough study of the budgetary impact, which is resulting in the failure to implement the new pay scale.

The TSU, he continued, has failed to promote wage justice in the public administration, because it has not managed to reduce the gap between the highest and lowest salaries.

"The implementation of the TSU is proving to be disastrous, with advances and setbacks. It's been more than seven months and state employees and agents still don't know for sure the real amount of their salaries," said Saimone Macuiana, quoted by Lusa.

The failure to implement the TSU has thrown workers into a situation of uncertainty and instability, degrading the quality of public services, Macuiana continued.

The implementation of the TSU is being strongly contested by various professional classes in the country, due to errors in the classification of the different salary brackets. Doctors have gone on strike as a result of these errors and teachers have threatened to follow suit.

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