Today, the Administrative Court (TA) submitted to Parliament its report and opinion on the General State Account for the 2023 budget execution, once its examination is complete.
The information was provided last Friday (27) in Maputo by the institution's spokesperson, Judge-Counselor Cláudio Pene, at the end of the meeting that assessed and approved the document, in what is the culmination of the plenary sessions that began last week to deepen the debates on the account.
Quoted in a NewsCláudio Pene assured that the assessment of the instrument included the state's financial activity, income, expenditure, assets, extractive industry, public debt, treasury operations, among other aspects, with the aim of gauging compliance with the law.
"The judges also checked whether the account was presented clearly, accurately and simply and whether the execution of the Budget and the General State Account corresponded to the Social Economic Plan and Budget approved by Parliament," the publication said.
For the time being, it is known that the TA received the Executive's account within the stipulated timeframe, having assessed it and asked for any clarifications it deemed pertinent.
At the same time, the court carried out audits in a number of state institutions and bodies, which made it possible to draw up the preliminary report on which the government was given the opportunity to comment.
According to the document approved by the government and submitted to the TA, in 2023 the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew by 5% compared to 4.2 in the previous year, with the contribution of Agriculture, Extractive Industry and Services.
Net international reserves increased from three months programmed in 2023 to 4.3 to cover imports of goods and non-factorial services.
Revenue collection reached around 326 billion meticais, corresponding to 30% of GDP compared to 28% of GDP in 2022. This performance reflects the impact of tax reforms, the broadening of the tax base, the diversification of revenue collection sources and the efficiency of the Tax Administration.
(Photo DR)
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