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Motoristas da Yango paralisam actividades e exigem aumento dos preços das viagens

Yango drivers stop work and demand an increase in travel prices

Dozens of app-based cab drivers, in this case those affiliated to Yango, stopped their activities today in Maputo, demanding better working conditions, accusing the 'bosses' of arrogance and considering migrating to other apps. They made their demands in the vicinity of the company's offices, on Avenida Marginal, in the Costa do Sol neighborhood....

Cabo Delgado: Insurgentes obrigam um empresário a pagar 150 mil meticais para poder seguir viagem

Cabo Delgado: Insurgents force businessman to pay 150,000 meticais to continue his journey

A businessman from Cabo Delgado province, northern Mozambique, was forced to pay 150,000 meticais in order to continue his journey to Quissanga, when he was intercepted by a group of terrorists last Friday. "One of our businessmen was transporting his goods to Quissanga. With the situation on the road, the car got stuck and he asked for help at...