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Niassa: Polícia baleia sete simpatizantes do PODEMOS em Mecanhelas

Niassa: Police shoot seven PODEMOS supporters in Mecanhelas

The village of Insaca, in the district of Mecanhelas, in Niassa, experienced a typical war scene yesterday, October 26, with the police firing sequences of shots for a few minutes. The result was that seven PODEMOS supporters were shot. According to CIP Eleições, it all started when PODEMOS members went to hold demonstrations...

Venâncio Mondlane/PRM: Polícia dispersa apoiantes com balas e gás lacrimogénio em Nampula

Venâncio Mondlane/PRM: Police disperse supporters with bullets and tear gas in Nampula

The Police of the Republic of Mozambique fired bullets and tear gas to disperse supporters of Venâncio Mondlane this morning in the city of Nampula. One person was seriously shot. Several people were injured. The condition of the other victims is still unknown. Images in our possession show a bloodied victim being rescued. It is also not known whether...