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Sofala: Detido falso agente do SISE na cidade da Beira

Sofala: Fake SISE agent arrested in Beira city

A person allegedly posing as an agent of the State Information and Security Service (SISE) was arrested in the city of Beira, Sofala province, when he was trying to deliver an alleged criminal to a police station, neutralized by himself. According to the Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM), quoted by the newspaper "O País", the alleged...

Agentes do SISE ameaçam Jornalistas em Nacala-à-Velha

SISE agents threaten journalists in Nacala-à-Velha

Journalists from Rádio Comunitária Ehale, in Nacala-à-Velha, are being threatened by agents from the State Information and Security Services (SISE) and other police forces. The threats come allegedly because they reported that some Frelimo party secretaries were passing on statements and nominal lists of alleged party members to...

Falso agente do SISE investigado por usurpar dinheiro em instituições públicas

Fake SISE agent investigated for usurping money from public institutions

A group of citizens, whose number is still unknown, are using false qualifications to extort money and collect strategic information from public institutions in Sofala province, claiming to be from the State Information and Security Service (SISE). According to "Canal de Moçambique", the money is supposedly being collected to finance intelligence operations....

Dívidas Ocultas: Divulgados documentos do SISE da Presidência para o julgamento em Londres

Hidden Debts: Presidency's SISE documents released for London trial

The Mozambican government has agreed to allow lawyers from Peters & Peters access to some documents from the Office of the President of the Republic and the State Information and Security Service (SISE) relating to hidden debts. According to the Center for Public Integrity (CIP), which provided the information, this guarantees...