Tag: PRM

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Manifestações: PRM deteve 14 indivíduos nas ultimas 24 horas

Demonstrations: PRM detained 14 individuals in the last 24 hours

The Republic of Mozambique Police announced yesterday (5) in Maputo that 17 demonstrations had taken place across the country, culminating in the arrest of 14 individuals while they were putting up barricades on public roads. According to the spokesman for the General Command of the Republic Police, Orlando Mudumane, the demonstrations also culminated in the vandalization of a...

Manifestações: PRM apresenta suspeito financiador de jovens para promover actos de violência

Demonstrations: PRM presents suspected financier of youths to promote acts of violence

The General Command of the Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) presented yesterday (5), in Maputo, an economic agent, a cooking gas dealer, identified only by the name of Yassin, who is suspected of luring young people with money and energy drinks to promote acts of violence, vandalism and public disobedience in the country. To this end,...

PRM aberta para acompanhar manifestações pacíficas

PRM open to monitor peaceful demonstrations

Bernardino Rafael assured that the Republic of Mozambique Police (PRM) is open to accompanying peaceful demonstrations. The Commander General of the PRM asked the party that supports Venâncio Mondlane not to incite violence. The PODEMOS party and the PRM met today in the country's capital to clarify aspects that have to do with the...

PRM exige a Venâncio Mondlane devolução de AKM-47 “furtada” em Moma

PRM demands Venâncio Mondlane return AKM-47 "stolen" in Moma

The Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) are demanding that presidential candidate Venâncio Mondlane and the Podemos party return an AKM-47 firearm in the possession of members and sympathizers of the political party. The police obligation follows political clashes at the Chaláua administrative post, in the district of Moma, in the province of...

PRM deteve mais de 350 indivíduos durante manifestações

PRM arrested more than 350 people during demonstrations

The Republic of Mozambique Police (PRM) announced today that it had arrested 371 people across the country as a result of the protests on Thursday and in the early hours of today. According to Orlando Mudumane, some of the citizens were arrested for their involvement in clashes with PRM agents. "A total of 371 people were arrested and 44 criminal cases and...

PRM apela à população para evitar vandalismo e aguardar resultados eleitorais

PRM appeals to population to avoid vandalism and await election results

The Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) appealed on Wednesday (23) to the Mozambican population to stay away from acts of vandalism, opt for civility, and wait for the official release of the election results. "The PRM repeatedly discourages acts of vandalism, violence and public disorder in the country," said Orlando Mudumane, spokesman for the...

Protestos: Mulher perde visão depois de ser baleada em Tete

Protests: Woman loses sight after being shot in Tete

The Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) in Tete province used force to disperse protesters on Monday (21), and in that operation shot four citizens, allegedly with lethal "real bullets". Two of the victims were seriously injured. A woman was hit in the head and another citizen in both lower limbs. The unit's doctor...

PRM deteve 18 cidadãos em protestos na província de Nampula

PRM detains 18 citizens in protests in Nampula province

Eighteen citizens were arrested on Monday (21) in Nampula province for their involvement in the protests against electoral fraud and the murder of Elvino Dias and Paulo Guambe. Indicted for disturbing public order, the individuals were arrested in the districts of Mogovolas, Eráti and the city of Nampula, according to information shared by the PRM. One of the accused,...

Dezassete pessoas detidas na província de Sofala

Seventeen people arrested in Sofala province

On Monday (21) in Sofala, the Republic of Mozambique Police (PRM) arrested 17 people involved in protests against electoral fraud and the murder of Elvino Dias and Paulo Guambe. Among the detainees were three underage citizens, whom the PRM has released, said spokesman Dércio Chacate. The other 14 individuals are...