Tag: President of Angola

Home " President of Angola
João Lourenço investido para segundo mandato após resultados contestados pela oposição

João Lourenço invested for a second term after results contested by the opposition

The President-elect of Angola, João Lourenço, takes office today, beginning his second term, before 12 heads of state and dozens of other representatives, but without the presence of the main opposition leader, who contested the results. At the investiture ceremony of the leader of the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), winner of the...

Presidente de Angola aumenta período de luto nacional para sete dias

President of Angola increases national mourning period to seven days

The President of Angola has extended from five to seven days the period of national mourning for the death of former Angolan head of state José Eduardo dos Santos, through a new decree amending the one published earlier this afternoon. "Taking into account the procedures associated with the physical passing of the former President of the Republic of Angola,...

Luto nacional de cinco dias em Angola por Eduardo dos Santos

Five-day national mourning in Angola for Eduardo dos Santos

The President of Angola, João Lourenço, decreed today five days of national mourning, starting Saturday, for the death of his predecessor, José Eduardo dos Santos, who died today in Barcelona at 79 years old. "National mourning is declared to be observed throughout the national territory and in diplomatic and consular missions," it read...

Presidente angolano suspende saídas para estrangeiro de membros do Governo

Angolan president suspends government members from going abroad

The travel abroad of ministers, secretaries of state, governors and deputy provincial governors of Angola will be suspended from May 15, according to an order of President Lourenço published Monday in the Official Gazette. According to Notícias ao Minuto, the suspension will be in force "until the investiture of the President of the Republic...