Tag: passengers

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Inter-provincial transport will have new fares as of July 15

The inter-provincial passenger transport fare will be increased as of July 15 this year as a result of the high cost of fuel. According to the table provided by the Mozambican Federation of Road Transport Carriers Associations (FEMATRO), the trip from Maputo-Lichinga, for example, will cost 6000.00 Meticais, while from Maputo to Pemba one will pay 5500.00. The trip from...

Governo vai subsidiar “chapas” após paralisação em Maputo

Government to subsidize "chapas" after strike in Maputo

The Government promised that there will be no increase in the semi-collective transport of passengers in the greater Maputo region, announcing also that it will continue to subsidize the "chapas" for a period of six more months. The news was given by the president of FEMATRO, Road Transport Federation of Mozambique, Castigo Nhamane, who assured the return of the "chapas" to the...


Transporters paralyze activity in the Greater Maputo Region

Semi-collective passenger carriers operating from the Zimpeto bus terminal to several routes paralyzed this morning the activity claiming the rise in fuel costs, whose new table came into force Saturday. According to the newspaper Notícias, the paralyzation includes other routes of the Greater Maputo Region. In Zimpeto terminal...


CFM resumes passenger transportation for long-haul trips

The Ports and Railways of Mozambique (CFM) has announced that it will resume passenger transport on long-haul journeys as early as December 10. According to a note from the company, long-haul travel had been interrupted following the development of covid-19 cases in the country. E,...


Nacala Logistics carried more than 60 thousand passengers in the third quarter

Nacala Logistics transported, during the 3rd quarter of the current year, a total of 62,574 people on its passenger trains, 8,085 more compared to the previous quarter. This increase corresponds to a rise of around 14%, compared to the second quarter of 2021. The company's official source reports that the results were influenced by the...