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WHO confirms outbreak of Marburg in Tanzania and Equatorial Guinea

The World Health Organization has confirmed the existence of two outbreaks of Marburg, a highly lethal hemorrhagic fever, in Equatorial Guinea and Tanzania. As of the 23rd of this month, 8 cases had been confirmed in Tanzania, including 5 deaths and more than 160 contacts who have been identified and are being monitored. In the case...

“Moçambique é o 10.º país com a maior redução de mortalidade materna entre 2000 e 2020”, -OMS

"Mozambique is the 10th country with the greatest reduction in maternal mortality between 2000 and 2020," - WHO

Mozambique is the 10th country with the greatest reduction in the maternal mortality rate in the period 2000-2020, according to a report released yesterday in Geneva by the World Health Organization (WHO). The report, drawn up by the WHO on behalf of the United Nations Inter-Agency Group on Maternal Mortality Estimation - which also includes the...


WHO maintains maximum alert level for covid-19

The World Health Organization (WHO) has decided to maintain the maximum alert level for the covid-19 pandemic, following a meeting of the International Health Regulations Emergency Committee. Although the committee recognized that the pandemic may be approaching a turning point, it decided that "there is no doubt" that...

OMS: Cólera é agora mais preocupante que a Covid-19 em África

WHO: Cholera is now more of a concern than Covid-19 in Africa

The regional director for Africa of the World Health Organization (WHO), Matshidiso Moeti, said today that the main concern is no longer covid-19, but the cholera outbreak, which is affecting 10 African countries. "The threat of the covid-19 pandemic is diminishing, we are now more concerned about cholera, which has already spread...

China pede à OMS para adoptar posição imparcial em relação ao covid-19

China asks WHO to take unbiased stance on covid-19

China on Thursday called on the World Health Organization to adopt a "fair" stance on covid-19, after the organization criticized Beijing's assessment of the epidemic. In early December, the country suspended without warning most of its measures against covid-19, which allowed its...


WHO is assessing the risk of a new covid-19 sub-variant that is spreading rapidly

The World Health Organization (WHO) indicated yesterday that it is assessing the risk of the new XBB.1.5 sub-variant of the covid-19 coronavirus, which is spreading rapidly in several countries and may be more transmissible. The director-general of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said in a video press conference that the organization "is closely monitoring and...