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Taxas de portagem podem reduzir para metade

Toll rates could be halved

Toll rates in Mozambique could be halved from those currently charged on the Mozambique Road Network and Trans African Concession (TRAC) tolls, according to a source quoted by MZNews. The source referred only to the amount charged for light vehicles, which should go from the current 40 meticais to 20 meticais. The toll rates are today...

UEM reduz para quase metade a atribuição de bolsas de estudo

UEM cuts scholarship awards by almost half

Last year, Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM) reduced its capacity for awarding scholarships to students by 43%. The data was released today, Friday (28), in Maputo city, by the rector of UEM, Manuel Guilherme Jr., during the presentation of the 2023 report. According to the rector of the largest and oldest...