Tag: MDM

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Campanha eleitoral: Candidato presidencial do MDM, Lutero Simango escala hoje a província da Zambézia

Election campaign: MDM presidential candidate Lutero Simango stops off in Zambézia province today

The presidential candidate of the Democratic Movement of Mozambique (MDM), Lutero Simango, arrives in Zambezia province this Monday for his campaign campaign. According to the program provided by the MDM, Lutero Simango's first electoral campaign in this province will take place in the district of Morrumbala, where he will...

Igreja Católica diz que desconhece a candidatura do padre Fernão Magalhães pelo MDM

Catholic Church says it is unaware of Father Fernão Magalhães' candidacy for MDM

The Catholic Church in Nampula says it is distancing itself from the candidacy of Father Fernão Magalhães for governor of this northern province of Mozambique by the Mozambique Democratic Movement (MDM), pointing out that this decision is beyond ecclesiastical legislation. According to a statement distributed in Nampula and quoted by AIM, Archbishop Inácio Saure, who...

MDM denuncia actos de intolerância política a poucos do arranque da campanha eleitoral

MDM denounces acts of political intolerance just before the start of the election campaign

The president of the Democratic Movement of Mozambique (MDM), who is also a presidential candidate in the October 9 general elections, Lutero Simango, denounced the occurrence of acts of political intolerance, revealing the existence of unknown groups that have been destroying the party's district headquarters. Speaking during a meeting with his party's grassroots in...

Fátima Mimbire apresentada como candidata a governadora na província de Maputo

Fátima Mimbire presented as candidate for governor in Maputo province

Fátima Mimbire was presented yesterday as the head of the list of the Democratic Movement of Mozambique (MDM) for governor of Maputo province. In her first interaction with potential voters, the candidate for governor of Maputo province promised to provide jobs for young people if she wins the election. "We have enough resources to give a decent life to...

Fátima Mimbire é cabeça-de lista do MDM para governador em Maputo

Fátima Mimbire is head of MDM list for governor in Maputo

Social activist and journalist Fátima Mimbire is the Democratic Movement of Mozambique's (MDM) choice for governor of Maputo province. The party's spokesman, Ismael Nacucue, was quoted by "O País" as saying that criteria approved by the National Council were used to make the choice, and he believes that it was the right nomination. The source...

Lutero Simango eleito candidato à Presidência da República pelo MDM

Lutero Simango elected MDM presidential candidate

Lutero Simango, president of the MDM, is the candidate chosen by the party to run for President of the Republic in the next general elections on October 9. Simango was proposed by the Political Commission and the proposal was accepted by the governing bodies and the members of the National Council, according to "O País". In his first speech as a candidate...

MDM elege amanhã o seu candidato presidencial

MDM elects its presidential candidate tomorrow

Tomorrow, in the city of Beira, the Democratic Movement of Mozambique (MDM) will elect its candidate for the Presidency of the Republic, as well as deputies to the Assembly of the Republic and provincial governors. The party wants to challenge potential candidates to put forward their intentions without running into any obstacles....

“Crise na Renamo pode beneficiar o MDM nas eleições de Outubro próximo” –alertam analistas

"Crisis in Renamo could benefit MDM in next October's elections" - analysts warn

Mozambican political analysts believe that the Democratic Movement of Mozambique (MDM) could benefit from the crisis affecting the largest opposition political force, through an agreement with Venâncio Mondlane. But they also don't rule out the possibility of voices critical of Renamo's leadership taking advantage of this moment to create an alternative to the current system of...