Tag: Massingir

Home " Massingir
Gaza: Massingir vai receber novo projecto de desenvolvimento turístico

Gaza: Massingir to receive new tourism development project

Karingani Game Reserve recently paid a visit to the Massingir district, in the southern province of Gaza. The purpose of the event was to introduce the new investors in the Karingani Project and the new national management team. The meeting was a step towards fostering closer relations with the government authorities as well as providing...

Massingir: População recusa instalação de posto de recenseamento eleitoral

Massingir: People refuse to set up a voter registration office

Voter registration offices in the community of Mavodze, in the district of Massingir, in Gaza, in the south of the country, have still not been set up due to a "tug-of-war" between the population and the local authorities. Residents are refusing to register and have blocked the installation of a brigade, according to a publication by the Center for Public Integrity...


Poachers sentenced to 30 years in prison

Two more national citizens were recently sentenced to 30 years in prison by the Judicial Court of Maputo Province for crimes of poaching, criminal association and illegal possession of a firearm. According to "Notícias" the defendants were arrested on September 26th of last year in flagrante delito while in possession of a firearm...