Tag: protester

Home " protester
Ordem dos Advogados apresentam queixa-crime contra militares que atropelaram uma manifestante

Bar Association files criminal complaint against soldiers who ran over protester

This Friday (29), the Mozambican Bar Association (OAM) filed a criminal complaint with the Public Prosecutor's Office against the soldiers who on Wednesday ran over a young woman taking part in the post-election protests. In a statement, the OAM classifies the military's action as criminal, violent, barbaric and gratuitous, calling on the Ministries of National Defense and the Interior, the Chief of Staff of the...

PODEMOS exige a publicação dos nomes dos integrantes do blindado que atropelou a manifestante

PODEMOS demands the publication of the names of the members of the armored vehicle that ran over the protester

The Optimist People's Party for the Development of Mozambique (PODEMOS) repudiates the running over of a 29-year-old woman in Maputo city yesterday (27) by a military armored vehicle during demonstrations. In a press release, the political group demands the publication of the names of the members of the vehicle that hit the...