Tag: manifestations

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“A PRM não reprime manifestações. Protege” – Pascoal Ronda

"The PRM doesn't suppress demonstrations. It protects" - Pascoal Ronda

The actions of the Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) are aimed at maintaining public order and protecting citizens and not at repression, according to the Minister of the Interior, Pascoal Ronda. Speaking on Wednesday (01) at the Assembly of the Republic, he implied that the proportionality of the PRM's intervention is to contain...

HRW acusa polícia de disparar contra protestos e matar em Moçambique

HRW accuses police of shooting at protests and killing in Mozambique

Mozambique's security forces "used excessive force, including live ammunition" in demonstrations against the results of the local elections, causing the deaths of at least three people, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said yesterday. In a statement quoted by Observador, the human rights non-governmental organization (NGO) also accused the Mozambican police of...

Eleições autárquicas: Antigos Combatentes pedem que se evite ‘confusão’ em protestos contra resultados

Local elections: Former Combatants call for 'confusion' to be avoided in protests against results

The Association of Combatants of the National Liberation Struggle (ACLLIN) of Mozambique today called for 'confusion' to be avoided during the demonstrations against the results of the local elections in the country, suggesting that the decision of the Constitutional Council (CC) be awaited. The association of Mozambican veterans of the anti-colonial war acknowledged that there may have been...

Pelo menos 10 feridos e 70 detidos durante manifestações

At least 10 injured and 70 arrested during demonstrations

The Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) arrested 70 demonstrators this Friday during protest marches against the results of the sixth local elections in Mozambique, police authorities said. Of this number of arrests, 60 took place in the city of Nampula, four in Nacala Porto, both in northern Mozambique, another four in Maputo, and two...


PGR opens 14 criminal cases against March 18 demonstrations

As part of the street demonstrations on March 18 this year, the Public Prosecutor's Office has opened 14 criminal cases, four of which against members of the Mozambique Republic Police (PRM) and 10 among the demonstrators. The Public Prosecutor, Beatriz Buchili, made it clear in parliament today that demonstrating is a right...

Homenagem ao músico Azagaia: Enviado da ONU pede investigação à repressão policial

Tribute to musician Azagaia: UN envoy calls for investigation into police repression

The United Nations Secretary-General's envoy to Mozambique, Mirko Manzoni, says that the police have to take responsibility if their violent conduct in the face of the demonstrations is proven, but called for the investigations to be concluded. "It's clear that we have two different positions. On the one hand, the opposition is saying that there is violence...

Manifestações obrigam a suspensão de actividades de areias pesadas de Chibuto, em Gaza

Demonstrations force suspension of heavy sands activities in Chibuto, Gaza

Work on the extraction and processing of heavy sand derivatives in the Chibuto district, in Gaza province, is at a standstill due to demonstrations by local citizens who are demanding payment for improvements agreed to when the land was transferred. The protesters are demanding compensation of 12,000 meticais for improvements. The workers...

Manifestações. Imagens postas a circular mostram algumas vias bloqueadas

Demonstrations. Images circulated show some blocked roads

Although in some neighborhoods the atmosphere is relatively calm, there are areas where there were registered demonstrations, riots and even burning of tires on public roads, according to images posted on social networks. In Matola, for example, in the passage of the White House, the road was blocked and tires were burned...