Tag: school lunch

Home " school lunch
Partido PODEMOS promete mercados confortáveis e lanche escolar gratuito

PODEMOS party promises comfortable markets and free school lunches

The PODEMOS party in the city of Quelimane, capital of the central province of Zambézia, promises to create attractive and comfortable conditions for activities in the city's markets. In yet another electoral campaign, PODEMOS, the support base for presidential candidate Venâncio Mondlane, also promises to relaunch free school lunches until...


MINEDH: "School lunches influence pedagogical performance

The Ministry of Education and Human Development (MINEDH) considers that the introduction of school lunch is contributing to the significant improvement of pedagogical performance. According to the Permanent Secretary of MINEDH, Ismael Assis, who spoke at the central ceremonies of March 1, African School Feeding Day, the initiative has been contributing...