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Moçambique vai produzir vacinas e injectáveis em larga escala

Mozambique to produce vaccines and injectables on a large scale

Starting this year, Mozambique will produce vaccines and injectables on a large scale to deal with diseases such as tuberculosis and polio, and also reduce expenditure on importing medicines. As part of this, two more production lines are being installed at the Pharmaceutical Industry (INFARMA) in Matola, Maputo province. "Our policy, as a government,...

MINT vai introduzir departamento para monitorar acções da PRM

MINT to introduce department to monitor PRM actions

The Ministry of the Interior (MINT) may soon introduce an Internal Affairs Service to monitor the activities of the Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM), in fulfillment of a challenge issued by the President of the Republic, Daniel Chapo. The entity to be created, whose deadline for implementation has not yet been set, should be supervised...

Nyusi exorta Academia Militar a introduzir novos cursos académicos

Nyusi urges Military Academy to introduce new academic courses

The President of the Republic (PR), Filipe Nyusi, today urged the managers of the Marechal Samora Machel Military Academy to introduce new academic training courses. "We want, without pressing, to recommend that the Academy start thinking about introducing new courses such as military medicine, law and a degree in military information," he suggested. For Nyusi, the courses...

Moçambique vai introduzir regulamento para comércio electrónico

Mozambique to introduce e-commerce regulations

Commercial transactions over the internet, buying and selling, in Mozambique will be subject to their own regulations to ensure their control and contribute to public revenue. "We have to bring in the e-commerce rule. Nowadays, everyone buys products on their cell phones, but there are no specific instruments for this activity," he said...

CPLP pode introduzir serviços digitais para facilitar emissão de documentos para cidadãos de países membros

CPLP may introduce digital services to make it easier for citizens of member countries to issue documents

The Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries (CPLP) is meeting in Maputo with the aim of designing strategies for bureaucratic procedures that make it easier for citizens of member states to obtain documents safely. The CPLP is also seeking to make commercial transactions more flexible through this desire for ease. Those present at the meeting analyzed...