Tag: Miombo Forest

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Itália e FAO anunciam apoio de 8M$ para protecção da floresta do miombo no vale do Zambeze

Italy and FAO announce 8M$ in support of miombo woodland protection in the Zambezi Valley

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) signed two agreements in Maputo yesterday (Tuesday 29) to implement projects to protect the miombo woodlands and facilitate trade in the border region between Mozambique and neighboring Zimbabwe. The projects have been evaluated...

Moçambique espera obter mais fundos para projectos de preservação da floresta do Miombo

Mozambique hopes to obtain more funds for Miombo forest preservation projects

Mozambique hopes that the International Conference on the Miombo Forest, which has been taking place since yesterday, Tuesday (16), in Washington, in the United States of America (USA), will result in the allocation of more resources by the partners so that the actions listed in the Maputo Declaration can be implemented. The optimism was expressed by the Minister of Land and Environment,...

Nyusi participa na conferência internacional sobre maneio da floresta do miombo nos EUA

Nyusi attends international conference on miombo woodland management in the USA

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, will be attending the International Conference on Sustainable and Integrated Management of the Miombo Forest in Washington DC, USA, from tomorrow (16) until Friday. The event is being organized by the Mozambican government, in partnership with the International Foundation for the Conservation of Biodiversity (ICCF),...

Primeiro-ministro dirige hoje conferência sobre maneio sustentável da floresta do Miombo

Prime Minister leads conference today on sustainable management of the Miombo forest

The Prime Minister, Adriano Maleiane, directs today, Thursday, in Maputo the Regional conference on the Sustainable and Integrated Management of the Miombo Forest. The two-day event takes place under the theme "For a sustainable and integrated management of the miombo in building resilience to climate change and protecting the Greater Zambezi." According to a...