Tag: road policing

Home " road policing
INATRO lança campanha regional centro de fiscalização rodoviária

INATRO launches regional campaign road surveillance center

Launched, this Wednesday in Sofala, a regional campaign center for road inspection. The initiative aims to prevent and combat road accidents. Brigades of the National Road Transport Institute (INATRO) and Traffic Police from the provinces of Sofala, Manica and Tete are involved in the action. The INATRO delegate in Sofala, José Chilevo,...


Defense and Security Council wants reinforcement of road surveillance

The Council for Defence and Security of Mozambique has asked to strengthen inspection measures and to hold offenders accountable, given the "high rate of road accidents" in the country, indicates a statement from the Presidency. The Council expressed concern over the high rate of road accidents that occur in the country, considering that the situations have...