Tag: Beira Railway

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Daúto Faquirá diz que vai à Beira com objectivo bem claro: “revalidar o título”

Daúto Faquirá says he's going to Beira with a clear objective: "to revalidate the title"

Portuguese coach Daúto Faquirá, who has Mozambican roots, has guaranteed that he will remain in charge of Ferroviário da Beira in order to win the title again. At the weekend, the Ferroviário da Beira club announced Daúto Faquirá as head coach of the first team for the 2024 season. "[The plan] was not to go to Mozambique, in...

Liga Mozal de Basquetebol: Ferroviário da Beira e Costa do Sol impõem-se na jornada inaugural

Mozal Basketball League: Ferroviário da Beira and Costa do Sol impose themselves on the opening day

Ferroviário da Beira and Costa do Sol entered the 14th edition of the Mozambican Senior Men's Basketball League, also known as the Mozal League, on the front foot, beating the "locomotives" from Maputo and Nampula respectively. The headline game of the first round involved the teams of Ferroviário de Maputo and...


PR congratulates Ferroviário da Beira on winning the title

This Sunday, the President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, congratulated the Ferroviário da Beira team for winning the Mozambola 2023 national soccer championship. "The title, the second won in the mythical "Caldeirão de Chiveve", represents the perseverance, courage, sacrifice, and above all the unity of the players, coaching staff, management and...

Moçambola 2023: Ferroviário da Beira é campeão moçambicano de futebol

Moçambola 2023: Ferroviário da Beira is Mozambican soccer champion

On Sunday afternoon, Ferroviário da Beira won the title of National Football Champions, finishing Moçambola 2023 with 39 points, beating the Black Bulls Association, who finished the competition in second place with 38 points. The "locomotives" of Chiveve received and defeated Associação Desportiva de Vilankulo by one ball to...