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Filipe Paúnde diz que não há “espaço” para a negociação do poder com Venâncio Mondlane

Filipe Paúnde says there is "no room" for power negotiations with Venâncio Mondlane

The member of the Political Commission of the Frelimo party and head of the central assistance brigade for Nampula province, Filipe Paúnde, says that his formation is always available for dialogue, but not for negotiating power with the candidate supported by PODEMOS, Venâncio Mondlane, who in his justification for the election for more...

Moçambique e Angola assinam acordo para liberalização do espaço aéreo

Mozambique and Angola sign agreement to liberalize airspace

The airlines of Mozambique and Angola, Linhas Aéreas de Moçambique (LAM) and Linhas Aéreas de Angola (TAAG) respectively, will be able to fly to various destinations in both countries. In fact, a bilateral agreement was signed on Wednesday in Maputo to strengthen the opening up of airspace between the Civil Aviation Institute of Mozambique...

Militares do Níger anunciam reabertura do espaço aéreo para voos comerciais

Niger military announces reopening of airspace for commercial flights

Niger's air traffic is now open to passenger and cargo flights, according to international media. The measure does not apply to flights for military or other special purposes - they still require approval from the competent authorities. "Nigerian airspace is open to national and international commercial flights,"...


Mozambique grants space to Malawi to build dry port in Nacala

Mozambique is granting space to Malawi to build a dry port at the Port of Nacala, with a view to speeding up customs clearance of goods and making transport logistics more flexible, especially for fuel and fertilizers. The granting of space, according to RM, is the result of the deepening of diplomatic and bilateral relations, which will help...

Société Générale inaugura Casa das PME e expande linha de financiamento

Société Générale opens SME House and expands financing line

Last Friday (23/06), Banco Société Générale Moçambique inaugurated a space reserved for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), called Casa das PME, in Maputo. This project consists of training SMEs, from the managers of companies affiliated to the bank, to the general public interested in developing a particular business as an SME....

h2n lança Relatório Anual de Género na Media 2022

h2n Releases Annual Media Gender Report 2022

On Thursday, April 20, the h2n Association launched the Annual Report on Gender in the Media at the UP Maputo campus. The report looks at how gender aspects are portrayed in the national press and highlights the importance of including women's perspectives in the media. According to Farida Ustá, Director of the project...