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Jovem escritor moçambicano ganha prémio internacional de poesia

Young Mozambican writer wins international poetry prize

Mozambican poet Jeconias Mocumbi recently won the first Floriano Martins International Lusophone Poetry Prize, organized in Chile. The author achieved this feat with his book "Os Dedos da Agonia", which, as a result of the award, will be published this year in a bilingual edition, Portuguese and Spanish, by LP5 Editora in the Poetry Collection Plateado...

As nossas escravas domésticas…

Our domestic slaves...

Our maids arrive in the city with the habits of the bush, they get off the trucks and we receive them just as the masters received their slaves when they got off the slave ships. They are uncivilized girls to whom we have taught religion, trained their fingers to know how to handle a fork and knife and educated them for their profession:...

É um carrinho humano de carga…

It's a human cargo cart...

Teacher Beatriz asked us to write essays about our parents' professions. Some wrote about their mothers' professions because they had no fathers and others, who had no fathers and no mothers, organs, had to write about their uncles' professions. And the teacher Beatriz put a band-aid on the scab.

E como tudo isso começa ou termina?

And how does it all begin or end?

And how does it all begin or end? First, the Olimpia Cinema building did a "the end" and, as at the end of a movie, the letters went up little by little on the screen of the building; the Olimpia Cinema ended as movies end. Then the cinema turned into a haunting ruin of rats and kiloliters of urine,...

Termina mais um dia…

Another day ends...

Another day ends, the supposed strike I managed to abort, and now it's time to return to my neighborhood. I will now strip off my police skin like a snake, put it on a wire hanger, and hide it in the commando's closet. I'm going to pass on to the night watchman the dispatch of two strikers that I handcuffed on the Avenue....

Escritor moçambicano Mia Couto recebe honoris causa no Brasil

Mozambican writer Mia Couto receives honorary degree in Brazil

Mozambican writer and biologist Mia Couto will be awarded an honorary doctorate tomorrow by the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP) of Brazil. The academic honor, the highest conferred by UNESP, is granted due to the notability of his literature, his contribution to the Portuguese language and promotion of the regions and...