Tag: clarification

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Ministro do Interior pede colaboração para o esclarecimento do duplo assassinato

Interior Minister asks for cooperation to solve double murder case

Interior Minister Pascoal Ronda is calling for the murder of lawyer Elvino Dias and PODEMOS leader Paulo Guambe to be solved quickly. According to Ronda, there is a need to avoid misinformation, especially given the electoral context. "These crimes take place at a political moment, which leaves us open to various interpretations, considering the fact that...

SERNIC inaugura novo Laboratório Forense para flexibilizar esclarecimento de casos criminais

SERNIC inaugurates new Forensic Laboratory to make it easier to solve criminal cases

The National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC) inaugurated a new Digital Forensic Laboratory in Maputo yesterday (Thursday 11), with the aim of making it more dynamic to solve criminal cases that are committed using computer technology. This is an investment budgeted at 700,000 dollars, which was financed and implemented by the government...

Parlamento sul-africano quer esclarecimento sobre visita de Vladimir Putin

South African parliament wants clarification on Vladimir Putin's visit

South Africa's parliamentary International Relations committee wants the government to clarify the status of Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin's visit to South Africa in August, it was announced today. "We will be writing to the Minister [of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation] as soon as we meet next week to discuss this matter, just to understand the...