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Raptos: Ministro do Interior desafia comunidade islâmica a apresentar provas contra envolvimento do Governo

Kidnappings: Interior Minister challenges Islamic community to present evidence against government involvement

The Islamic community recently accused some "high-ranking" members of the government of being involved in organized crime syndicates, namely kidnappings. Family member of kidnap victim contacts FBI for disbelieving in national justice The accusation followed, days later, an accusation by the President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, that kidnap victims were not...

“Swazi Secrets” aponta escândalos de corrupção no E-swatini envolvendo ex-Presidente da Zâmbia

"Swazi Secrets" points to corruption scandals in E-swatini involving former President of Zambia

(Article photo: DR; Description/Legend: Michelo Shakantu, left, and Zambian President Edgar Lungu, right, at the Royal Villa in Eswatini during Lungu's trip to the country in 2017). Former Zambian President Edgar Lungu is allegedly involved in corruption scandals in E-swatini, according to the "Swazi Secrets" investigation by the International Consortium of...