Tag: destruction

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Destruição de boletins de voto espelha “receio” da CNE, diz especialista em direito eleitoral 

Destruction of ballot papers reflects CNE's "fear", says electoral law expert 

The National Electoral Commission (CNE) has scheduled the destruction of the ballot papers from the October 9 general elections for January 17, at a time when Venâncio Mondlane is still demanding that the electoral truth be restored. Meanwhile, in an interview with DW, Ivan Maússe, a lawyer and researcher at the Center for Public Integrity (CIP), says that the...

Manifestações: 77 viaturas da Saúde destruídas em todo o país

Demonstrations: 77 health vehicles destroyed across the country

Seventy-seven health sector vehicles were destroyed or vandalized during the post-election demonstrations across the country, health authorities said. Of this number, fifty-five new vehicles were at the Central de Medicamentos e Artigos Médicos in Maputo, where two warehouses were destroyed, according to Rádio Moçambique. The minister of...

Destruição de infra-estruturas públicas e privadas marca a nova onda de protestos após a validação dos resultados

Destruction of public and private infrastructure marks the new wave of protests following the validation of the results

A scene of destruction has been witnessed throughout the country since the end of yesterday (23), shortly after the Constitutional Council validated the election results, giving victory to Frelimo and its presidential candidate, Daniel Chapo. More than 30 episodes of vandalism have been recorded in different regions...

Filipe Nyusi apela ao fim da violência e destruição de infra-estruturas no país

Filipe Nyusi calls for an end to violence and destruction of infrastructure in the country

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, called yesterday, Friday (29), for an end to the destruction of public and private infrastructure and the killing of police and civilians during demonstrations called by presidential candidate Venâncio Mondlane. The appeal was made during the inauguration of an infrastructure of the National Institute of Social Security, in Gaza province,...

Afinal, restrições de internet foram propositadas? Governo diz que visam evitar a destruição do país

After all, were internet restrictions deliberate? Government says they aim to prevent the destruction of the country

The government, through the Minister of Transport and Communications, has revealed that the current recurrent internet restrictions are aimed at preventing the destruction of the country. After the Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications said that the internet would be restored in the country once the conditions had been created, the Minister of Transport and Communications, Mateus Magala, confirmed on Sunday that...

INGD: Tempestade Filipo provocou 20 óbitos e destruição de 179 casas

INGD: Storm Filipo caused 20 deaths and destroyed 179 homes

The National Institute for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (INGD) says that the number of deaths from the severe tropical storm "Filipo", which devastated central and southern Mozambique two weeks ago, has risen from seven to 20. According to INGD spokeswoman Nelma de Araújo, who was speaking on the "Linha Directa" program...