Tag: Electoral crisis

Home " Electoral crisis
Professor queniano desafia Filipe Nyusi a ouvir vozes da razão para se ultrapassar a crise eleitoral

Kenyan professor challenges Filipe Nyusi to listen to voices of reason to overcome electoral crisis

Professor and former director of Kenya's Anti-Corruption Commission, PLO Lumumba, is challenging the President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, to take on a fundamental role in promoting peace and reconciliation in Mozambique and to listen to the voices of reason in the face of the situation that has been going on in the country since October. In a letter addressed to the Head of...

Crise eleitoral: “Tribunais moçambicanos estão a ser usados como instrumentos de repressão”

Electoral crisis: "Mozambican courts are being used as instruments of repression"

Mozambican courts are being used as an "instrument of political persecution" in the face of electoral management crises, considers jurist Elvino Dias. This position comes at a time when the Nampula and Nacala courts have suspended the respective mayors Paulo Vahanle and Raul Novinte from office, respectively, accusing them of inciting violence during the...