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Linha de Ressano fechada devido a descarrilamento

Ressano line closed due to derailment

Train traffic on the Ressano Garcia line in Maputo province is interrupted following the derailment of a train in the Chinculo area on Sunday afternoon. The information was shared by the Police Command of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) in Maputo province, according to "Noticias". The source explained that the train...

Comboio descarrila após embater em barricadas

Train derails after crashing into barricades

A train carrying mineral coal derailed yesterday on the Nacala Logistics Corridor (CLN), in the city of Nampula, when it hit barricades placed on the railway line by demonstrators, according to "Notícias." According to the source, the accident occurred in the Total area, along the railway line linking the province of Tete...

CFM introduz novos horários de circulação de comboio

CFM introduces new train timetables

The movement of rail passengers by railcars in Marracuene, Boane and Matola Gare, in Maputo, will be subject to new timetables from August 10. The decision comes two years after the introduction of the rail passenger transportation service by railcars, with the aim of improving service provision and punctuality....

Comboio transportou 5,5 milhões de passageiros em 2022

Train carried 5.5 million passengers in 2022

More than 5.5 million people used rail transport in Mozambique in 2022, an increase of 81% compared to the previous year due to the easing of Covid-19 prevention measures, according to data from the CFM company. According to CFM's 2022 report and accounts, which is quoted by Lusa, the state-owned...


Train reconnects Mozambique and Malawi 37 years later

The Mozambique Ports and Railways Company has announced the restart of rail transport operations on the Cena line, on the Dona-Ana-Vila-Nova-da-Fronteira branch, which runs from Beira to Malawi 37 years later. The equipment left the Port of Beira last Friday and belongs to the Chinese company CR20, which is responsible for rebuilding the line in the country...


Torrential rains cause derailment of train with 300 passengers in Maputo. No casualties

A locomotive carrying 300 passengers derailed today in Maputo province, due to the displacement of the railway, without causing casualties, said the company Caminhos de Ferro de Moçambique (CFM). According to a spokesman for CFM, Adelio Dias, quoted by Lusa, the train went off the rails on the arrival of the level crossing, after the railway line was...