Tag: Citizen

Home " Citizen
Detida cidadã indiciada de tráficos de seres humanos

Citizen arrested on human trafficking charges

A 50-year-old woman has been arrested by the Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) on charges of human trafficking in the city of Maputo. The woman was detained when she was trying to sell one of her stepchildren for 350,000 meticais because of alleged constant arguments with the 29-year-old, according to...

Gaza: Idosa atacada por crocodilo em Chicualacuala

Gaza: Elderly woman attacked by crocodile in Chicualacuala

A 77-year-old woman is receiving care at the Pafúri Health Center, in the Chicualacuala district of Gaza, after being attacked by a crocodile this week while crossing the Limpopo River, reports "Noticias". According to the administrator of Chicualacuala, Cacilda Banze, the elderly woman was saved thanks to the intervention of other farmers who...

ONG submete queixa-crime contra agente da UIR que agrediu uma cidadã na Av. Eduardo Mondlane

NGO files criminal complaint against UIR agent who assaulted a citizen on Av. Eduardo Mondlane

The Center for Democracy and Human Rights (CDD) today filed a criminal complaint against an agent of the Rapid Intervention Unit (UIR) who yesterday assaulted a citizen on Avenida Eduardo Mondlane, in Maputo city, while Daniel Chapo was being inaugurated as the 5th President of the Republic. Yesterday, the Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM)...

Detida cidadã acusada de tráfico de órgãos humanos em Maputo

Detained citizen accused of trafficking human organs in Maputo

Last Friday (23), the Republic of Mozambique Police (PRM) arrested a 35-year-old woman in the Mahlazine neighborhood, on the outskirts of Maputo, on suspicion of organ trafficking, following a complaint made by her domestic worker's partner. According to a publication by Carta de Moçambique, the arrest took place after the maid...