Tag: authorities

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Autoridades apreenderam em 2022 drogas no valor de 126 milhões de meticais

Authorities seized drugs worth 126 million meticais in 2022

The National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC) seized various types of drugs (methamphetamine, heroin and others) throughout the country in 2022, worth more than 126 million meticais. These are drugs produced in the countries of the Horn of Africa (Ethiopia and Somalia), where consumption is not punishable, announced the inspector of...

Human Rights Watch considera “caminho perigoso” apoio de Moçambique a milícia

Human Rights Watch considers Mozambique's support for militia a "dangerous path"

The non-governmental organization (NGO) for the defense of human rights, Human Rights Watch (HRW), today called the Mozambican authorities' support for the militia that supports the military in the fight against insurgents in Cabo Delgado, in the north of the country, a "dangerous path". "The authorities should focus on improving the training and professionalism of their regular troops in...

CDD critica silêncio das autoridades sobre repressão da polícia na marcha de homenagem ao rapper Azagaia

CDD criticizes the authorities' silence on police repression at the march in honor of rapper Azagaia

The Centre for Democracy and Development (CDD), a Mozambican organization, today criticized the authorities for still not having released the "clarifications" that the President of the Republic promised about the "violent repression" of the marches in honour of the 'rapper' Azagaia". According to the CDD, the Ministry of the Interior, which was tasked with investigating the circumstances of the...

Autoridades moçambicanas apreendem 1750 caixas de tabaco huka

Mozambican authorities seize 1750 boxes of huka tobacco

On Monday, 1,750 boxes of hookah tobacco, commonly known as huka or xixa, were seized at the Port of Maputo. According to the Mozambican Tax Authority (AT), the merchandise is valued at eight million meticais and the cargo was being transported in a 40-foot container from the United Arab Emirates,...

Inundações: Autoridades concluem o processo de resgate na província de Maputo

Floods: Authorities conclude rescue process in Maputo province

The process of rescuing around 17,000 people who were in flooded areas in the district of Boane, the worst hit by the heavy rain that fell last week in the city and province of Maputo, in the south of the country, has been completed. For the provincial governor, Júlio Parruque, guaranteeing assistance to the victims is...


Authorities dismantle illegal fishing nets in Sofala

Last Thursday, in the district of Búzi and the city of Beira, Sofala province, the National Institute of the Sea (INAMAR) dismantled some illegal fishing practices that harm the reproduction of fisheries. During the inspection, which took place in the context of the closed season 2022-2023, four fishing gears were destroyed, including nets...


Authorities seize 26 tons of shrimp caught in closed season

Authorities have seized 26 tons of shrimp whose catch has been banned since November, due to the closed season in force, in the central province of Zambézia, an official source quoted by Lusa said. The fish was seized on Monday in the district of Nicoadala, in a truck from Sofala, and was destined for the province of...


Illegal export of 45 containers of wood through the port of Beira stopped

The Mozambican authorities have stopped the export of 45 containers of wood through the Port of Beira, in a scheme that would have cost the state almost 60,000 euros, an official source announced. The wood, seized in the district of Dondo, comes from the provinces of Manica and Zambézia, also in the center of the country, and its export would have...

Autoridades prevêem período longo sem precipitação de Janeiro a Março

Authorities predict long period without precipitation from January to March

The southern and central regions of the country will experience long periods without rain from January to March, despite the occurrence of "la niña", a phenomenon that influences the climate and leads to above-normal rainfall. According to the National Institute of Meteorology (INAM), quoted by the newspaper Notícias, this update of the seasonal climate forecast was drawn up on the basis of initial...