Tag: Administrator

Home " Administrator
Disparos em acção de mais de centena de desconhecidos contra comitiva de Administrador de Moma

More than a hundred unknown people shoot at Moma Administrator's entourage

A group of more than a hundred unknown citizens in the village of Mavucu, administrative post of Chaláua, yesterday tried to confront the caravan of the Administrator of Moma, in Nampula province. Armed with bladed weapons such as clubs, sticks and stones, the citizens surprised Abacar Chande's entourage when he was meeting with representatives of...


Bad weather destroys houses in Monapo district

A total of 30 precariously built houses were totally and partially destroyed by bad weather on Friday in the Monapo district of Nampula, an official source quoted by Lusa said yesterday. In addition to the houses, the wind and heavy rain also affected workshops and warehouses belonging to the Monapo Municipal Council and the district attorney's office, said Momade...