ProIndicus was financially unviable, according to expert

ProIndicus era financeiramente inviável, segundo especialista

Rear Admiral Walter Teuteberg, a reservist in the South African Navy, believes that the ProIndicus company was economically unviable and that the studies on the project were extremely optimistic.

Teuteberg is one of the experts hired by the Mozambican state's lawyers to refute the contracts of the companies at the origin of the hidden debts, according to the Savannah.

In his work, the reservist noted excesses regarding the viability of ProIndicus, as well as the fact that the documents containing these assessments ignored a number of obligations that Mozambique has under international maritime law, such as the obligation to provide assistance in rescue operations for stricken vessels along the coast.

On the other hand, the expert remained reticent about the possibility of the companies involved in gas exploration in northern Mozambique signing contracts that would later turn ProIndicus into a profitable company. of Proindicus' objectives was to sign contracts with oil companies for the security of their platforms at sea, and that in many cases along the African coast, these companies had been forced to resort to private security services, and Proindicus wanted to impose that it be the sole and legitimate provider of such servicesreads the newspaper we quoted.

The expert has not even identified a gas company that has signed a contract with ProIndicus, "despite its apparent monopoly".

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