Looking at Chongoene Airport as a business hub

The Administrator of Chongoene, Artur Macamo, urges young people in the district to look at the local airport as a hub for business development.

He remains optimistic about a prosperous future as the infrastructure receives more and more businesspeople and tourists.

Macamo said that the enterprise had increased the number of weekly flights to two, as well as receiving South African and Zimbabwean tourists on private flights.

For the administrator, this is due to the ease of mobility of businessmen and visitors and the rapid development of the local mining industry.

"It's an infrastructure that guarantees speed and dynamic travel, connecting Gaza and other parts of the country and the southern region [of Africa]," said Macamo, quoted by Notícias.

He believes there will be an increase in air traffic at the airport when the mega-projects reach their peak. But for now, the biggest challenge is to turn the infrastructure into a link between projects in the areas of agriculture, infrastructure, commerce, telecommunications, logistics, hotels and entertainment.

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