Nintendo. Mario Bros" creator dies

The gaming world is mourning the death of the creator of the most iconic console video games of various brands of sorts. Electronic engineer Masayuki Uemura, died on Monday at the age of 78, according to the Game Development Center at Ritsumeikan University in Japan.

Masayuki Uemura was responsible for the creation of the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) and SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment System) consoles.

The Game Development Center was grateful for Uemura's contribution to the progress of the electronic game industry and for having released a wide range of consoles.

"Professor Masayuki Uemura, a professor at Ritsumeikan University's Faculty of Image Arts and Sciences, who was one of the founders and the first director of the Game Development Center, died on December 6, 2021," reads a statement informed the institution in Kyoto.

Born on June 20, 1943 in Tokyo, Masayuki Uemura, an electronic engineering graduate from the Chiba Institute of Technology, worked for Nintendo from 1971 to 2004. At the console and video game manufacturer, he was responsible for manufacturing the NES (1983) and the SNES (1990).

The NES, which initially went by the name Famicom, arrived in Europe only in 1986, three years after it started being marketed in Japan.

Masayuki Uemura was also a producer of several games, such as "Donkey Kong" (1983), "Mario Bros." (1983), "Clu Clu Land" (1984) and "Ice Climber" (1985).

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