Mozambique now has a maritime court to combat trafficking in marine resources

As of Wednesday, Mozambique has a maritime court that aims to strengthen the protection of the maritime, lake and river environment against the unbridled exploitation of marine resources, traffic and the fight against international crime in the maritime environment..

The post was set up in the city of Maputo and is the first maritime court in the country's capital.

During the inauguration ceremony, the president of the Supreme Court, Adelino Muchanga, explained that the implementation of maritime courts will contribute to the affirmation of the territorial sovereignty of the Mozambican state, including the maritime one.

"Maritime tribunals are a vitally important instrument for enabling the sustainable and responsible exploitation of the resources that our biodiversity provides," explained Adelino Muchanga, quoted by AIM.

Muchanga added that the maritime courts respond to the need for protection against maritime pollution, illegal fishing, maritime trafficking in drugs and people, piracy, among other current threats to world security.

For his part, the president of the High Court of Appeal, Manuel Bucuane, said that the installation of the maritime court marks the beginning of a new path in responding to disputes related to maritime, river and lake jurisdiction.

"This event opens a new stage in the resolution of maritime, river and lake offenses and other matters of a river and lake nature that are not assigned by law to another jurisdiction," he said.

However, for the Minister for the Sea, Inland Waters and Fisheries (MIMAIP), Lídia Cardoso, the installation of the maritime court will strengthen and fortify the Mozambican state's capacity to defend national sovereignty.

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