Government wants to reduce debts of Public Enterprises and strengthen financial discipline

The government is implementing financial, operational, human resource management and corporate governance restructuring measures, aimed at reducing the debts of the state-owned business sector and improving its operational performance.

The Prime Minister, Adriano Maleiane, said today in Parliament, that the purpose of the Executive is to make the companies viable and profitable.

"These actions that we have been implementing are allowing the companies to function technically well, effectively collecting what is due in order to avoid the accumulation of debts, as well as to foresee in their budgets expenses for the realization of social and public interest activities," emphasized Maleiane quoted by the newspaper Notícias.

In the session of questions to the Government that began today and ends tomorrow, Thursday, Maleiane revealed that the Executive recently signed program contracts with the companies Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM), to ensure the electrification of district headquarters and administrative posts, as well as Linhas Aéreas de Moçambique (LAM), "to ensure the air connection of all provincial capitals and unprofitable routes.

In 2018, it should be recalled, the State Business Sector Act was passed, which is aimed at professionalizing public and state-owned enterprises, and how existing enterprises can be transformed.

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