Government Appreciates Resolution on Fiscal Scenario for the Social Economic Plan 2023-25

Governo aprecia resolução sobre Cenário Fiscal para o Plano Económico Social 2023-25

The resolution that approves the Medium Term Fiscal Scenario (CFMP) for the next three years (2023-2025), a crucial instrument for the elaboration of the Economic and Social Plan (PES) and respective State Budget (OE), was appreciated by the Government, this Tuesday, in Maputo.

The Government says that this is a State planning and budgeting instrument that marks the beginning of the process of preparing the PES and OE for the year 2023.

The instrument also describes the medium-term fiscal strategy, which makes it possible to forecast resources, so as to ensure continuity in spending from previous years, and given the resource envelope.

The Executive emphasizes that it define new public expenditures and their allocation by setting indicative overall limits.

Also in yesterday's session, the Council of Ministers approved the draft Legislative Authorization Law, which allows the Government to create the Mozambique National Spatial Data Infrastructure (IDEMOC), to be submitted to Parliament.

However, the Executive explains that IDEMOC is an Internet-accessible spatial and non-spatial data portal that allows harmonizing data production and improving access to geographicfica information, with a view to promoting the eficiency of decision-making processes on a public and private scale, as well as the sustained use of existing human, material and environmental resources.

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