"Girl Move" stimulates the talent of young Mozambican women

The non-governmental organization Girl Move Academy, based in Nampula province, announced a few days ago the opening of the second edition of the digital platform "Rise & Shine", which aims to activate the talent of young Mozambican women, aged between 17 and 28.

The program, which covers high school seniors, college students or graduates, comprises three phases. The first, called "Rise", focuses on female empowerment for young women to recognize and activate talent through a journey of self-discovery.

The second phase, "Shine", aims at developing personal and socio-emotional skills through sharing talents and learning in sisterhood circles. The third and final phase, "Move", focuses on entrepreneurship and creating a career of impact, defining the next steps for the future.

According to the founder and executive director of Girl Move, Alexandra Machado, with this program, the organization praises the role of female talent in transforming the world. She stressed that "the time has come for us to create more opportunities for all Mozambican girls and women to gain tools to activate circles of sisterhood.

Note that in the first edition, held last year, about five thousand girls applied for the program. Those selected gained new knowledge, including how to use their talents to activate their communities for the common good.

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