New Chapa tariff is under discussion in Maputo

The last two rises in fuel prices are bringing squeezes in the accounts of the transporters, who see their business threatened. The Association of Road Transport Carriers in Maputo City met yesterday, 27, with its members, to discuss proposals for increasing the fare.

"We are making calculations, in order to sit down with those in charge, in the sense of having a tariff that can cover the next few moments, because if we rush, we will ask, for example, for an increase of five Meticais that may not satisfy us," explained the president of ATROMAP, Batista Macuvele in statements to O País.

For now there is talk of various proposals put on the table for discussion, so that the business continues to be profitable for the carriers. An increase of three Meticais on the route that currently pays 12 Meticais is one of the hypotheses that has been put forward over coffee.

The debate over the Chapa price increase comes on top of recent calls made by Fematro president Sancho Mavunja during a press conference in which the Confederation of Mozambique Economic Associations (CTA) reacted to the latest fuel price readjustment for the private business sector.

At the time Mavunja said that following the increase in fuel prices, the losses caused by the generalized rise in products and services are increasing dramatically for operators. In effect, the vice president of FEMATRO said that the readjustment of the price of transport should be automatic.

However, without any concrete dates, ATROMAP promises to announce soon the final proposal for the readjustment of the public transport fare.

It should be noted that the last price hike for chapa took place in January 2022, but gasoline, for example, has seen a cumulative increase of 17 Meticais.

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