Tete companies owe 77 million meticais to the INSS

Empresas de Tete devem 77 milhões de meticais ao INSS

Company Companies INSS

Companies registered with the National Social Security Institute (INSS) in Tete have an accumulated debt of around 77 million meticais, an amount that the institution is working hard to recover from taxpayers who must correct the irregularity.

The provincial delegate of the INSS, Daniel Simbanai, explained that a national campaign is being implemented to make taxpayers aware of the importance of paying, as a way of safeguarding workers' social protection.

The movement will last 45 days, having been launched on March 13 in this province, and is also being used to publicize the payment methods and platforms in use in the Social Security System.

"We want companies to be aware that they are harming workers, because the system is contributory. If they don't channel the contributions, it means that their employees are prevented from enjoying the rights granted by the INSS," he said.

He added that the law establishes that in the event of regular channeling difficulties or a debt that cannot be paid in full, it is possible to amortize through an agreement that can be signed between the INSS and the company, to be fulfilled on a monthly basis. (Text: Newspaper News)

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