Seven Tax Authority officials arrested for corruption in Tete

Detidos sete funcionários da Autoridade Tributária por corrupção em Tete

Seven employees of the Mozambican Tax Authority (AT) were arrested in the city of Tete on Monday on charges of embezzlement, falsifying documents, money laundering and criminal association.

The individuals are accused by the Tete Provincial Anti-Corruption Office (GPCCT) of having seized the money received from personal income tax (IRPS) for their own benefit, damaging the state by around 164.5 million meticais.

"In the use of their powers, [the officials] seized financial resources received as Personal Income Tax (IRPS) for their own benefit," the GPCCT points out in the document.

According to the Tete Provincial Office for Combating Corruption, the arrested officials have already been brought before the investigating judge for initial questioning.

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