The chairman of TAP's remuneration committee resigned on Thursday (18) because he disagreed with the proposal to increase the salary of the airline's new CEO.
Tiago Aires Mateus was reportedly pressured by the Ministry of Infrastructure to change the opinion setting Luís Rodrigues' salary. The proposal sets a higher amount than that of his predecessor, Christine Ourmières-Widener, who resigned in January this year.
The new CEO accepted the position believing he could receive a similar salary - which is what led the Ministry to put pressure on Tiago Aires Mateus, writes the Portuguese media.
Luís Rodrigues, until then head of SATA, took office in April as chairman of TAP's Executive Committee and Board of Directors, succeeding Christine Ourmières-Widener and Manuel Beja, who were dismissed by the government.
Also in April, he was heard by the TAP commission of inquiry, where he argued that a bonus should not be paid to a manager who does not have a management contract and who has been dismissed, as is the case with the former president of TAP, Christine Ourmières-Widener.
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