Daniel Chapo advises the extinction or merger of non-viable public funds

Daniel Chapo orienta para extinção ou fusão de Fundos públicos não viáveis

In a letter, the President of the Republic, Daniel Chapo, has instructed the Ministry of Finance to re-evaluate the financial viability of the State's Indirect Administration Bodies, namely Institutes and Public Funds, with a view to rationalizing them, merging and/or extinguishing those that are unable to finance their own operation..

According to the same letter, quoted by Letter from MozambiqueThe initiative aims to relieve the State Budget (OE).

In this context, the letter dated February 26 states that the Minister of Finance, Carla Louveira, must provide information on the financial sustainability of all the institutions in the sector, within a maximum of 15 days from the date of receipt of the letter (February 28), as well as proposals for the merger and extinction of non-viable institutions, for the purposes of integration into the Direct Administration of the State.

The institutions under the supervision of the Ministry of Finance are the National Secretariat of the African Peer Review Mechanism (MARP), the Center for the Development of Financial Information Systems (CEDSIF), the General Inspectorate of Gaming (IGJ), the Mozambique Stock Exchange (BVM) and the Fund to Support the Rehabilitation of the Economy (FARE).

The Ministry of Finance is also responsible for the National Social Security Institute (INPS), the Insurance Supervision Institute of Mozambique (ISSM), the State Holdings Management Institute (IGEPE), the Mozambican Tax Authority (AT), the Zambezi Valley Development Agency (AdZ) and the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF).


(Photo DR)

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