Sovereign Fund supervisory committee known by June 30

The chairwoman of the ad-hoc committee for the selection of candidates for the body, Vitória Diogo, announced today that the nine members of the Supervisory Committee of the Mozambique Sovereign Fund will be known by June 30. 

Vitória Diogo, speaking at the opening of the meeting of the ad-hoc commission, explained, as quoted by Noticias, that the Supervisory Committee of the Mozambique Sovereign Fund should be made up of members of civil society, the bar and accountancy associations, academia, religious denominations and the business community, in accordance with the decree of the Council of Ministers.

After publication in the Boletim da República, the commission has the go-ahead to liaise with the entities that will have the task of selecting the members of the Supervisory Committee, which will report and be accountable directly to the Assembly of the Republic.

According to the source, by next week the terms of reference should be completed for the launch of the public tender that will allow the selection of the staff that will make up the committee. (News) 

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