CFM to receive more revenue from rail-port concession contracts

CFM vai passar a receber mais receitas pelos contratos de concessão ferro-portuários

Empresa Portos e Caminhos de Ferro de Moçambique (CFM) will now receive more revenue from rail-port concession contracts, to encourage investment in the sector.

The measure was approved by decree of the Council of Ministers on July 6 and aims to "update the system for sharing revenue from fixed and variable fees" in rail-port concession contracts, repealing the previous one from 2000.

The decree, approved by the government, specifically involves the revenue resulting from the collection of the award fee and signature bonus, as well as fixed and variable fees, arising from the award of concession contracts for the design, construction, maintenance, management and operation of "existing and future" ports and railway systems.

According to the document, quoted by Lusa, in the case of rail concessions, CFM will receive 75% of these revenues (50% previously), with 15% going to the state and 10% to the sector's regulatory bodies.

In the port concessions, excluding the Port of Beira, CFM will receive 50% of these revenues, the state 25% and the regulatory bodies another 25%, in this case distributed equally between the Mozambique Rail-Port Institute, the Maritime Transport Institute and the National Maritime Institute.

In the case of the Port of Beira, "all the revenue from the fixed and variable fees of this port concession" will be allocated to CFM, "to safeguard the fulfillment, on behalf of the state, of the obligations of the granting authority", namely "those relating to the financing of dredging, the operation of navigation along the access channel, pilotage services, tugboats, aid to navigation and regular maintenance of the berth work".

According to the latest results, in 2020 CFM more than tripled the positive operating results of the previous year.

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