Residents of the Costa do Sol neighborhood, on the outskirts of Maputo city, are seeking recourse to the Supreme Court (TS) to deal with the conflict of interest with Central de Betão.
The plaintiffs are challenging the recent decision by the Superior Court of Appeals (TSR) to annul the suspension of the construction of the factory. But before going to the Supreme Court, the residents submitted a request for clarification of the TSR's decision on August 20.
The TSR has annulled the decision of the Maputo City Judicial Court (TJCM) of March 14, 2024, which granted the residents' request for the suspension of construction work on the Concrete Plant due to environmental damage. The decision of the TSR, of July 31, 2024, is the upholding of the appeal submitted by the owner of the project, África Great Wall Concrete Manufacture Lda. The SCJ justified its decision on the grounds that it was not within the jurisdiction of the DCJ to order the suspension of the works.
According to the SavannahThe residents of the Costa do Sol, having been notified of the request for clarification of the TSR's decision, will ask the TS to uphold the TJCM's decision in the same terms.
Note o weekly the fact that the decision of the TSR has not yet become final, the decision of the TJCM prevails, meaning that the works are still suspended. However, there seems to be evidence that the work has resumed.
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