CDN applies new fares on rail travel

CDN aplica novas tarifas em viagens ferroviárias

CDN indicates that the rise in fuel prices and operating costs contributed to the increase in the tariff, which went into effect at the beginning of this month, says a note quoted by Lusa.

In the new table, the trip from Nampula to Cuamba goes from 230 meticais to 320 meticais for economy class and from 670 meticais to 940 meticais for business class.

On the route between Cuamba-Lichinga, at the new fare, the economy class ticket goes from 205 meticais to 285 meticais and, in business class, from 525 meticais to 735 meticais.

Prices for passengers leaving Cuamba for Entre Lagos are from 65 meticais to 90 meticais in economy class and 150 meticais to 210 meticais, in business class.

The Corredor de Desenvolvimento do Norte is a company incorporated and registered in Mozambique for the integrated management, rehabilitation and commercial operation of the infrastructure of the port of Nacala and the railway network in northern Mozambique.

Coal mining in the Tete region made it feasible to build the 912-kilometer railroad, including 200 that crosses Malawi's territory, and a deep-water port terminal in Nacala.

Currently, the line allows the transportation of all kinds of cargo and passengers - namely up to Lichinga, capital of Niassa province.

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